Safety Locking Units - Integra Wave 6 (Daimler-Norm)

Safety locking device for maintenance, repairs and cleaning (maintenance locking unit) and for use in machine cycles (locking unit for indexing).
Pneumatic or manual operation moves the pin from the neutral position to the locked position, preventing accidental or unauthorised machine movements.

Details can be found under General Information

This list of ordercodes represents the range of avaioable safety locking units.
The safety lockings approved by the "Daimler Aufbauwerke MBC" are retrievable in the approval lists at the "ECM Portal Bd4".

01-SA 30 HT 01-03

01-SA 30 HT 02-03

01-SA 50 H 01-03

01-SA 50 HT-1S 01-03

01-SA 50 HT-2S 01-03

Manually operated locking unit for maintenance with limit switch Schmersal ZR335-11Z-M20

Cylinder position Switch position Type Order code
25 3000 50 - left single bolt 01-SA 25 H 02-03
50 22000 50 - left single bolt 01-SA 50 H 02-03
70 60000 80 - left single bolt 01-SA 70 H 02-03
30 10000 40 - left tandem 01-SA 30 HT 02-03
50 22000 50 - both sided tandem 01-SA 50 HT-2S 01-03
70 60000 80 - both sided tandem 01-SA 70 HT-2S 01-03

Pneumatic locking units for indexing with limit switch Euchner CES-AP-C01

Cylinder position Switch position Type Bestellcode
25 3000 50 top left single bolt 01-SA 25 P 02-05 CES
50 22000 50 top left single bolt 01-SA 50 P 02-05 CES
70 60000 80 top left single bolt 01-SA 70 P 02-05 CES
30 10000 40 top both sided tandem 01-SA 30 PT-2S 02-05 CES
50 22000 50 top both sided tandem 01-SA 50 PT-2S 01-05 CES
70 60000 80 top both sided tandem 01-SA 70 PT-2S 01-05 CES

Electromotive locking units for indexing with limit switch Euchner CES-AP-C01

Cylinder position Switch position Type Bestellcode
50 22000   top both sided tandem 01-SA 50 EMO T-2S 01-05 CES
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